Friday, January 3, 2014

Hand-made chocolate - sweet valentines gift ideas

Valentine’s Day is a day when you want to demonstrate your affection towards your loved ones with unique Valentines gift ideas. It could be friends, relatives, parents and spouse. You may simply buy an available gift from stores or order online gifts, but gifting them homemade chocolates is one of the best ways to make them feel happy. There are a number of recipes you could try out. Given below are few of those recipes.

Recipe 1: Strawberries with chocolate coating

This is a simple recipe where you take fresh strawberries and coat them with layer of chocolate.

Ingredients – Half liter chocolate chip milk, half a kilogram of fresh strawberries, 2 tablespoons of shortening.

Method – In a double boiler, boil the chocolate chip milk till it thickens a little. Add the shortening to the mixture. Take strawberries by the toothpicks and dip them into the chocolate sauce till they get coated by a thick layer of chocolate sauce. Keep them out to cool. Decorate them with icing sugar and arrange them on a tray.

Image 1 :Strawberry chocolate

Recipe 2: Orange flavored chocolates

This recipe makes chocolate truffles with orange flavor.

Ingredients – 3 big spoons of thick milk cream, 8 nos ( 2 ounces) of chopped semisweet chocolate squares, 2 spoons of orange juice concentrate,  ¼ cup butter,  1 spoon of grated orange zest, 1 spoon of oil.

Method – Take cream and butter in a saucepan and place it over medium flame and allow it to boil. Once it starts boiling remove from fire. Mix the orange juice, 4 nos of chocolate squares and zest into it. Stir it till it becomes smooth. Pour into a loaf pan and chill for 2 hours. Then make small shapes of this with a spoon and line them on a baking sheet with wax paper. Chill the truffles again for 2 hours.

Next take a double boiler with little water simmering. Melt the remaining 4 squares of chocolate along with oil, by placing it in a container on top of the double boiler. Allow it to cool. Drop in the truffles into this lukewarm sauce till it gets coated nicely. Transfer coated truffles back to baking sheet and chill again for 2 hours. Decorate it with icing sugar and arrange them on a tray.

 Image 2Orange flavored chocolates

Recipe 3: Ladybug Love Truffles

Ingredients- Thick cream- 1 cup, 2 cups of chopped chocolate, 12 oz of red candy (for coating), 2 oz of White candy coating, 4 oz of chocolate candy coating and two paper cones.

Image 3 : Ladybug Love Truffles

Method- Place the chopped chocolate in a bowl. Bring the cream to simmer in a saucepan. Once the cream starts boiling, pour it over the chopped chocolate bits. Once the mixture cools, whip the mixture. Wrap the bowl with a cling film and let it set for 30 minutes in refrigerator. Coat your hands with cocoa powder and scoop the mixture into few tiny balls and few bigger ones. Melt the chocolate candy coating in a small pan. Dip the smaller balls in it to make heads and press them to the bigger ones which make the body of the bug.

Melt the red and white chocolate candy coating to give the bugs the color of their body. Let the truffle set in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to 1 hour if it starts melting at the room temperature.

For candy coupons, visit Enjoy these Valentines gift ideas with your loved ones and make the day a memorable one for the years to come.


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